A 27 yo Congolese refugee and member of the church often comes to the clinic to translate for us. He uses braces and crutches to walk and wears a shoe fitted for the difference in his legs'
lengths. Today he came for himself. We were not overwhelmed with patients, so Ellen suggested I take a full history.
This man got polio at the age of six. Since then he relied on braces and corsets to get around. I had to admit that I did not know much about the pathology of polio--only that it was a routine vaccination now.
He suffers from effects of post-polio. It is really a shame to see a man in such pain from a disease that is preventable. Polio effects the upper motor neurons, and now he still has fasiculations (muscle twitching) and abnormal joints because of a mismatch in his extensors and flexor muscles with one being tightened (much like in cerebral palsy) he has joint pain. Ellen keeps him supplied with painkillers that help and we sent him for muscle relaxants.
did the finger ever come off?
Wow. That is very sad that he got Polio at 6. I bet he has a strong heart. Live free my friend.
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